
Welcome to the New College Application System

To learn more about how your information will be used, please view our Student Applicant Privacy Notice.

If you have already submitted this form you should not do so a second time especially with a different email address. Please contact the college if you have any issues.

The email address you use should be a private one and not a school address as we may use it contact you in future when you no longer have access to a school account.

Sign In

Email Address




Create a password to login with.

Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters in length and a maximum of 20.


Confirm password

Forgotten password

Enter your email and hit the button below and our system will generate a new password for you and send it to your email address.

Change password

Current password

New password

Basic details

Your progress: 0%

Your journey with us starts here and we're looking forward to getting to know you a bit better. Let's start with some basic information.

Where a field is marked with a * it is required and you will not be able to submit your application without completing it.

Student Forenames (including all middle names) *

Student Surname *

Date of Birth *

Sex (at birth) *

Gender you identify as *

Current School *

Please specify

Nationality *

Ethnicity *

Have you lived in the UK for 3 or more years? *

Contact details

Your progress: 0%

Thanks now we need to know your contact details so we can get in touch and send you any important information.

Please enter with care as these details are stored on our system and used in letters etc.

Student Mobile Phone Number

Home/Landline Number

You can use this postcode lookup to find your address or manually enter the details below

Select an address from the list to update the contact address fields below.

Address Line 1 *

Address Line 2

Town *

Postcode *


Your progress: 0%

Now we need to know your parents/carers or emergency contact details so we can get in touch with them about important information.

Please ensure you inform your parents/carers that you have added their contact data to this form and by doing so you agree you have their consent to do so. Upon your enrolment to college, information about your progress, subjects and live attendance information will be shared with the contacts you provide on this page.

Parent/carer 1

Parent/carer 1 should be located at the same address as you.

Title *

Surname *

Relationship to Student *

Email Address

Mobile Phone Number

Home/Landline Number

You can use this postcode lookup to find the address or manually enter the details below

Select an address from the list to update the address fields below.

Address Line 1 *

Address Line 2

Town *

Postcode *

Parent/carer 2

These fields are not required, but if you do have a second carer/parent or additional emergency contact then you should complete them.



Relationship to Student

Email Address

Mobile Phone Number

Home/Landline Number

You can use this postcode lookup to find the address or manually enter the details below

Select an address from the list to update the address fields below.

Address Line 1

Address Line 2



Subjects of interest at New College

Your progress: 0%

Please tell us which courses you are considering studying at New College.

We'll talk to you about these, and other relevant courses, in more detail during your interview, to help you make an informed decision about your course choices.

Please choose only courses from our prospectus (available here).

Subject Choice 1

Subject Choice 2

Subject Choice 3

Subject Choice 4 (optional)

Subject Choice 5 (optional)


Your progress: 0%

Previous Studies

Some applicants may have already fully completed some or all of their GCSE (or equivalent) courses. Please tell us about any courses you have fully completed, and the grades you were awarded by the exam board.

Current Studies

Please tell us the most likely grade that you expect to achieve for each of the courses you are studying, or the grades achieved for any courses you have already completed.

Please ensure that every box on every row is complete, otherwise it will not be complete.

Your qualifications

Subject Type (GCSE/BTEC etc) Likely Grade Remove

About You

Your progress: 0%

Please tell us briefly about any wider achievements, hobbies or involvements you have that enabled you to widen your skills, or gain valuable experiences. Maximum 200 characters.


Tell us anything else you would like us to know about you.


Please tell us briefly about any ideas or ambitions you may have in terms of your future career or study plans for after your studies at New College.

Do you have a particular job or career in mind? Are you interested in applying to university? What areas of study or employment are you interested in?

Additional support

Your progress: 0%

We understand some of our students need special support in order to help them succeed. So if you have any disabilities or receive support already, please let us know here. This won't affect your application and will only be used to help ensure you have the best experience with us.

Disability *

Primary Difficulty Disability and health problem

Additional Difficulty Disability and health problems

Additional Difficulty Disability and health problems

LDA Learning Difficulty Assessment

DSA Disabled Students Allowance

EHC Education Health Care Plan

Have you had access arrangements in exams? *

For example: extra time, reader, scribe.

Details (If Applicable)

Review your answers

Your progress: 0%

You can review all of your answers on this page, it will also show you anything you're missing and you can use the links on the left to go directly to that question if you need to alter it.

When you're done with your application, please review your answers to ensure they are all correct and you are happy with them. If you have no errors indicated below, then the submission button will be visible below the list.

Submit my application

When any oustanding issues are resolved, the submit button will appear here, please ensure you review the list above for any errors.

If no errors are indicated and you believe you should be able to submit and can't, please contact us for assistance.

Submit my application

Well done you've reached the end of your application. You've got one last chance to go back and check your answers, but if you're 100% happy then click the submit button below and you're done!

Privacy Notice

By submitting your application you acknowledge you have read and understand the privacy notice, available here, which explains how we proceed your data.

School Report

Please note that if you are invited to an interview you will be asked to bring your most recent school report with you.

By submitting my application I understand that New College might not offer a place during my interview if I do not bring my most recent school report to the interview.

School Reference

Please note that in some special circumstances, New College may request a reference from your current or most recent school/college following your interview before determining whether a conditional offer is to be made.

By submitting my application I give my consent for New College to request a reference from my current or previous school/college if required.

Submit Application

Please note that once you hit the button, your application will be saved as is, and can no longer be edited.

Please click to submit your application.

We have received your application and will be in touch soon.

You can no longer edit your application, but you can review your answers using the link below. If any of your details change, you can contact us via email at or telephone on 01977 702139 and follow the instructions to Student Services extension.

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