
New College duo claim top spot in business investment challenge

Kate Taylor and Tomas Filek, both studying in their first year of a Business Studies A-Level at New College Pontefract, have won first prize in an Investment challenge held at Leeds Beckett University. The challenge, which took place in December, consisted of using a computer simulation to use virtual money from a client and invest in several companies and commodities in four twenty minute intervals, each representing a day, and compete to make profit against groups from other schools and colleges. Their findings were then presented to the rest of the group.

The challenge was judged by two professors from the university and the New College duo were awarded first place based on their presentation and the work they had carried out and received iTunes vouchers as prizes.

​Tomas said, “I am really glad that I went on the investment challenge trip as it was a unique experience which helped me get a better understanding of the stock market which I was previously curious about. I particularly liked the part where we invested on behalf of our clients in a dynamic and unpredictable market as it simulated the fast pace of stock trading very well.”

Paul Hunt from the Business Studies department at New College said, “As staff members we were delighted to witness both Kate and Tomas showing a willingness to get involved in a competition which linked to the financial aspects of the A-Level Business course and which took place outside of term time. It would have been very easy for them to not volunteer and attend due to this. To then actually succeed in winning the competition was an added bonus, and one that the Business & Law department is extremely proud of. Kate and Tomas demonstrated and developed problem solving, team-working and communication and presentation skills through competing against students from other colleges, so overall it has been a very worthwhile initiative. We would also like to thank Amy Davison for her work in organising the visit.”


Tomas and Kate present their findings at the challenge

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