Students, staff and governors are proud and delighted with this year’s exam results, which have once again exceeded the outstanding performance achieved of previous years. Our A-Level students of 2019 achieved an overall pass rate of 100%, an A*-B (high grades) rate of 60%, which is the highest in the college’s history, and an A*-C rate of 87.4%. This once again highlights the college’s reputation as a consistently outstanding sixth form provider both locally and nationally. This is matched by the equally strong performance of our Level 3 BTEC students who achieved an overall pass rate of 100% with 92% achieving a Distinction or Distinction* grade.
New College Pontefract Principal, Richard Fletcher said, “I am so proud of our students and staff who have worked so hard in partnership these past 2 years. The colleges results this year means that many of our students will now progress to some of the most prestigious universities in the uk and abroad, be employed by nationally acclaimed companies and start on high quality apprenticeships. The look on students faces this morning when opening their results will be a memory I keep for a long time! It reminded me of why we do what we do everyday!”.
New College Pontefract is part of the New Collaborative Learning Trust (NCLT), and the Trust’s CEO, Pauline Hagen OBE said, “First and foremost, we are delighted that our young people have secured such an outstanding set of results, giving them the best possible start to life after college, whether that be in education, training or the world of work. The fact that they have performed so well reflects their hard work, commitment and resilience.
Some of our students achieved significant levels of performance, including:
Gregory Yule – Chemistry A*, Physics A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A*.
Alice Bywater – Maths A*, Further Maths A*, Physics A*, Geology A*.
Andrew Franklin – Chemistry A*, Physics A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A*.
Joshua Liddicott – Physics, A*, Computer Sience A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A*.
James Poxton – Chemistry A*, Physics A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A*.
Lucy Dyson – Biology A*, Chemistry A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A.
Grzegorz Jordanowski – Biology A*, Chemistry A*, Maths A*, Further Maths A.
Plus over 140 students achieved 3 or more Distinction* grades at BTEC.
The New Collaborative Learning Trust opened New College Doncaster in September 2017, and a third college in central Bradford is due to open this September. The trust’s vision is to provide outstanding education and to promote a culture of aspiration, excellence and enjoyment. For further details or to find out the dates of the college open events, visit