New College Pontefract has been recognised for its outstanding careers work this week, having been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard by Prospects, a national body responsible for assessing careers work in schools and colleges. The Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and colleges who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after college.
An outstanding sixth form college, New College is committed to improving opportunities for all its students. Recognising the importance of preparing students for their future careers the college began working towards the national Quality in Careers Standard last year.
Achieving the national Quality in Careers Standard shows the senior leadership team at New College Pontefract promote quality careers education and recognise the part it plays in the overall success of the college and its students. The college offers a range of activities to introduce students to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after college, including work experience placements, talks from employers and apprenticeship providers, work place visits, and talks from universities and other HE and FE providers.
Jeff Finnigan, Manager for Resources, Careers and Data Protection at New College Pontefract, said: “We are thrilled to have achieved the Quality in Careers Standard. This award is a recognition of the commitment and hard work that our staff put in to support students. We have a very strong and varied careers programme that supports students to develop their knowledge, skills and experience so they can go out into the world and achieve personal success. Teaching staff and Progress Tutors in particular play an important role in supporting students to develop themselves so that they are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, or training.”
Vicky Marks, Acting Principal at New College, said: “Everyone working at New College knows how important it is to maximise our young people’s life chances by helping them access high quality employment, apprenticeships or university courses once they leave us. We are delighted the important work Jeff, the careers team, Progress Tutors and teaching staff do on this issue has been recognised by Prospects, once again setting New College apart as one of the best in the country.”
There is a statutory duty on all schools and colleges to ‘secure independent careers guidance’ for all students in schools and in post-16 education. The government recommends that all schools and colleges should be required to work towards the national Quality in Careers Standard.