New College Pontefract once again ranked as the top college in Wakefield for student progress.
The release of the latest figures from the Department for Education (DfE) once again shows New College’s consistency as a provider of excellent post-16 education.
The figures, based on last summer’s A-Level results, show that New College Pontefract has the highest value added score of any college in the Wakefield area. The figures include all post-16 providers including school sixth forms, FE colleges, sixth form colleges and private schools.
Value added scores are used by the DfE to measure how much progress students make above and beyond what they would be expected to achieve given their previous GCSE results. They provide a good way of comparing how well students are likely to do at different schools and colleges.
New College’s value added score compared to the national average for A-Levels was +0.23. This means that New College’s performance in 2019 was much higher than national average.
“We’re delighted by the DfE’s data,” said Vicky Marks, Principal of New College Pontefract. “It confirms the message we have been giving parents and students for several years, which is that if you want a specialist provider of post-16 education, we are the best in the Wakefield area for A-Level provision.”
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