Students from New College Pontefract have continued their record of excellent outcomes, despite the difficulties of working with a controversial assessment system.
This year’s cohort achieved an A-Level pass rate of 99.5% and over 55% of students achieved an A*-B. In BTEC courses, 94% of students achieved a high grade, i.e. a distinction or distinction star. Both sets of figures are in line with the high standards achieved by New College Pontefract for the past 6 years.
Principal Vicky Marks said: “On behalf of all the staff at New College Pontefract, we would like to congratulate our students on their results and acknowledge the challenges they have faced. Although results have been awarded differently this year, in the absence of examinations, we are proud of the hard work and achievements of them all.”
Schools and colleges will not be ranked in performance tables this year, but with young people needing good results to access competitive university courses, apprenticeships and employment, this year was as important to them as any other.
“With the government’s recent announcement about mock results, the college is hoping to achieve its best results ever. We are working hard to ensure our students are not unduly disadvantaged by this year’s events.”
Student reactions
Despite the difficulties, many students are already looking back on their time at New College with real affection.
“My experience at New College was great. All my teachers were helpful, friendly and did everything they could to push me to my best. I made great friends who I’ll stay in touch with for life and who made every day unique and fun. I would also like to thank my Personal Tutors who helped me through adapting to college life and the university application process.”
Joshua Thompson: Maths – A*, Spanish – A*, Media – A*, Newcastle University
“New College was an incredible experience, with many challenges along the way – however I made great friends, got into my top university and achieved outstanding grades! So, so amazing!”
Liv Bond: Law – A*, English Lit – A*, History – A, Durham University
“I had a great time at New College, I met some great people and if it wasn’t for the amazing staff I don’t think I would be in the position I am today or have the same opportunities.”
Charlie Brear: BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Creative Media Production – D*D*D, Hull University
“My two years at NCP have been tough and challenging at times but also extremely rewarding. I am so grateful to have been able to study in such a supportive and friendly environment.” Thisuri Perera: A-level French – A*, A-level English Literature- A*, A-level Maths – A, University of Oxford