Further performance information, including attainment, destinations and retention can be found on the DfE website here – https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/144732/new-college-pontefract/16-to-18/student-destinations-he
New College Pontefract Achieves Strong Results!
Pass Rates
The pass rate measures the number of students who pass the qualification. At A-Level a pass grade is a grade E or above, whilst in an Applied General qualification a pass grade is a pass or above.
Level | Pass Rate Percentage | National Average |
A-Level | 99.6% | 97.1% |
Applied General | 100% | Coming soon… |
High Grades
High grades measure the number of students who achieve A* to B grades at A-Level. Students on Applied General programmes need to achieve a Distinction* or Distinction to achieve a high grade.
Level | High Grade Percentage | National Average |
A-Level – A*-B | 58.8% | 54% |
Applied General – Distinction*-Distinction | 68% | Coming soon… |
A*-C Grades
The percentage of students that achieved an A*, A, B or C grade at A-Level
Level | A*-C Grade Percentage | National Average |
A-Level | 84.5% | 76% |